From the President’s desk

Here we are at the end of April 2023. A lot has been happening over the past few months.

The Peniel Children’s Home Building Project in Myanmar is now at final completion. On behalf of Faith Love Hope Foundation I would like to thank the generous grants given to this Project by Christian Enterprises, and to the generosity of others so that these children could have a new home. No more leaky roof in the wet season, no more rotten floorboards, no more poor sanitation and improper kitchen facilities.

We give thanks to God for His enabling of this Project in the midst of a military coup, covid pandemic, banking issues and rising costs of supplies.

This is truly amazing! To God be the glory!

Thank you again to all who have been a part of this Project

God Bless,

Rhonda (President)

Update on the Children’s Home building project (Aug. 2022)

The building project is nearing completion and it wont be too long before the children get to move into their new home. No more leaky roof or holes in the floor. They will have proper kitchen and bathroom facilities.

All of us at Faith Love Hope Foundation are excited to see this project come to fruition

Here are the latest photos of the building progress: –


Children’s Home Building Progress in Myanmar

Here are a few photos of the current progress of the building project of the new Children’s Home for the children of the ‘Peniel’ community. A wonderful effort in the midst of an ongoing political and economic crisis.

If you would like to be a part of this project your financial assistance would be greatly appreciated.

We, at Faith Love Hope Foundation, are very excited to see this building take shape.

Building a new Children’s Home

It is with great excitement that we are commencing the building of a new Children’s Home for the children of the Peniel community in 2022.

Myanmar continues to experience hardship with the ongoing military coup, economic crisis and covid waves in 2022, but God has allowed Moses to access building materials to build a new Children’s Home.

The Home will be able to accommodate up to 70 children who have been displaced, orphaned and who are needy due to the ongoing issues in Myanmar.

Faith Love Hope Foundation are supporting Moses and the Peniel community with the financial costs of the building. If you would like to be a supporter with us please donate to this very exciting project to improve the lives of the next generation in the country of Myanmar. Read more

2021 – the year in review in Myanmar

1st February – the ruling party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), was deposed and the military  junta took control of power under a military coup, declaring a year long state of  emergency.

Civilian protests ensued on a daily basis and many protestors were killed by the military. The economy and businesses were affected – hospitals, banking, stores, schools; and the cost of living dramatically increased.

Covid-19 ‘hit’ Myanmar hard – for most civilians covid testing was not available, and the vaccine was only accessible to the military. Hospitals were not able to cope with the number of sick people and oxygen tanks were expensive and in short supply. Many died by the hands of the military or from covid-19.

Many protestors fled from the cities and villages into the hills and border towns.

As 2021 came to an end the military regime in Myanmar were still in power, the democratically elected government officials were still in prison; the military continued to strike fear into the Myanmar people with reprisals on protestors, air strikes on towns, and restrictions on freedoms.

The people of Myanmar need our prayers for peace, stability and the basic human right to live in freedom and not under dictatorship. They also need encouragement and assistance from the global community to achieve this.

2021 – the year in review for Faith Love Hope Foundation

January 2021 – Faith Love Hope Foundation achieved Australian and Not for Profits Commission                                            (ACNC)  status.

April 2021 – money was sent to the Peniel community for roof repairs.

November 2021 – money was sent to the Peniel community for razor wire fencing due to several burglary incidents. And in late November a further lot of money was given for Christmas needs for Peniel and the wider community.

Faith Love Hope Foundation has had a vision to build a new Children’s Home  for the ‘Peniel’ children. The events of 2021 in Myanmar have put the commencement of the building on hold for the time being, but we continue to raise funds for this project. And Faith Love Hope Foundation is extremely grateful to the generous donations to the building project.

We continue to support the Peniel community and help with different needs as they arise eg. roof repairs, razor wire fencing and Christmas needs. The children are well, and receive the best of care even under difficult circumstances; they are being home schooled and are taught by Moses’ team – it is unsafe for the children to go to the state schools due to bombings in school yards and the covid pandemic.

We pray that 2022 will see circumstances change in Myanmar for the good. We lift up this nation before Almighty God and pray that He will establish justice and righteousness and peace for the people.


Rhonda    (President of  Faith Love Hope Foundation)

President’s update 2021

President Report Faith Love Hope

2020 was a difficult year in Myanmar.

President Report Faith Love HopeCovid – 19 forced people into lockdown, businesses closed and people were without jobs, and social welfare is almost nonexistent. The hospitals/clinics are not so well equipped to deal with many coronavirus cases. Over 3,000 deaths have been reported for 2020, but that might not be accurate with many villages and out-lying communities not reporting deaths as covid-related.

The Peniel community on the outskirts of Yangon went into lockdown. The children were learning from home. Moses and Sharon and the house-parents were teaching the children and giving them lessons. Many of the bible students went back to their family homes in various regions. Moses has reported that the students are actively involved in their local churches and ministries in various ways and in various places.

Moses continues to be actively involved in Discipleship and church planting, as well as Leadership development.

The focus of Faith Love Hope Foundation for the next 2 years (2021/22) will be a building project for a new Children’s home. The current home is in disrepair. The new home will be able to house more children who are orphaned or destitute, providing better living conditions than what their current home provides.

We look forward to what God will do in Myanmar in 2021, and God’s provision for the needs of the Peniel community – the children in the Children’s Home and the bible students in the Theological College.


Rhonda – President of Faith Love Hope Foundation.

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