About Us Faith Love Hope

About Us

Assisting small communities in Myanmar through Christian outreach. Faith Love Hope seeks to restore faith and hope by sharing God’s love delivering certainty of funding and facilitating education & health care for the children of Peniel, Myanmar. Faith Love Hope

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Mission Statement of the Faith Love Hope Foundation is to restore faith and hope by sharing God’s love in Myanmar. Through our support of the ministry of Peniel Theological College and Peniel Children’s Home on the outskirts of Yangon,

Rhonda Dundas

President’s Message

President’s update 2021 RhondaFLH Fundraising and Charity January 24, 2021 0 CommentEdit 2020 was a difficult year in Myanmar. Covid – 19 forced people into lockdown, businesses closed and people were without jobs, and social welfare is almost nonexistent. The hospitals/clinics are

Assisting small communities in Myanmar through Christian outreach.

Faith Love Hope seeks to restore faith and hope by sharing God’s love delivering certainty of funding and facilitating education & health care for the children of Peniel, Myanmar.

Faith Love Hope Foundation was formed to help with the financial costs of Peniel Children’s Home and Peniel Theological College on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar, under the leadership of Moses Liancuh.

Moses, and his wife, Sharon, run a Children’s Home which accommodates 46 children from the ages of 3 to 17 years.

These children have lost parents and family members in areas of conflict, mainly in Northern Myanmar.

He is also the head of Peniel Theological College, training 64 young students with Bible knowledge and church planting.

The vision of Faith Love Hope Foundation is for Peniel to be one site and to be able to generate their own income for sustainability.

We seek to facilitate the process of the Children’s Home, Theological College, Church and student accommodation to be on one site, as well as several other buildings which could be rented out or used as a school (eg: teaching English) or to help the local community.

Rhonda Dundas

Rhonda Dundas

President Rhonda Dundas is the President of Faith Love Hope Sydney Incorporated.   I’m a Registered Nurse. The people of Myanmar are gentle and beautiful, and they have a special place in my heart. I am one of the founding

Kathy Pollock

Kathy Pollock

  Committee Member I am a part-time teacher. I experienced living in a developing country when I taught alongside my husband for a year in Tanzania, Africa. Living amongst the villagers helped me to realise all the basic things I

Contact Us at Faith Love Hope

Contact Us

    To Contact Us, please fill in your details and your message in the below form. Thank you. Faith Love Hope Sydney Inc. PO Box R34 Royal Exchange  NSW 1225 AUSTRALIA     Donations are gratefully accepted and can be

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